Please Give Me Spoken Poetry

Please give me spoken poetry



Life is a beautiful thing to have.

Life is about happiness.

Life is value.

Life is about good and evil.

Life is about meeting new people and making friends.

Life is about finding your one true love

Life is about having a loving family that cares and loves you.

LIfe is about having Jesus in your heart so you can follow to right path to a good life and go to heaven.

Life is a new star being welcomed to the universe and a family of billions.

Life is all about finding out who you are as a person and figure out your future.

But some people want to end their lives…

Some people want to take their lives…

Some people think their life is a mistake…

But have they ever read the bible before?

God doesn't make mistakes.

That's why he made you…

Don't end yours…

God made it for a reason….



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