Why Is The Purpose Statement An Important Aspect Of Speechwriting?, A. , It Exposes Any Fears A Speaker May Be Dealing With., B. , It Reveals The Spea

Why is the purpose statement an important aspect of speechwriting?

It exposes any fears a speaker may be dealing with.
It reveals the speaker's innermost thoughts.
It conveys the speaker's goal for the speech.
It helps the speaker connect with the audience.

Speech Writing is an art of conveying a message to your audience. Either through oral communication or through other means, such as powerpoint slides, speech writing has the same function as normal writing. The reasons for writing are to inform, to explain or to persuade.

Write the purpose statement

  • Develop your statement as a separate sentence or paragraph.
  • Use words such as "purpose," "intent," or "objective" to draw attention to this statement as the principal controlling idea in a study.
  • Focus on one idea/phenomenon to be explored or understood.

Writing porpuse statement is important in aspect of speech writing because it helps the speaker connect with the audience. For him/her to also know if the audiences are really listening to what he was saying through span of time.





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